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Author Topic: Temp, Weather, and Tectonics  (Read 10567 times)

Temp, Weather, and Tectonics
« on: August 16, 2004, 10:43:49 am »

Again I come up with a problem working on the guide that I don't know how to answer myself. At what point with each of these three statistics should you not land on a planet with the unupgraded lander?

I haven't been keeping very good track of temperature, but I'm guessing it's managable on its own until it goes over 500. Weather is probably the worst of the three since you can't avoid it. My guess is 5 or over = don't land, but again I'm not sure. Tectonics can get pretty bad without stopping me from landing, so I'd tolerate a 6 at most. 4 if there are other elements involved.
Captain Smith

Re: Temp, Weather, and Tectonics
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2004, 01:40:43 pm »

It's pretty iffy and depends on your comfort level, and opportunity.  One player might not risk mining Alpha Centauri exotics because of the heat streamers, but personally I do it with the unupgraded lander and have gotten pretty practiced at it.

And even as another example when I was doing the Time Trial games (to try to get the fastest time to completion), I can't remember ever upgrading my lander beyond maybe the speed enhancement, so I went down on Alpha Pavonis (dangerous), and Beta Brahe (aaaaaah!) with an unupgraded lander - so it depends on the general purpose of what you're trying to do too.  Besides if we talk about mining alone, I've pretty well figured out that it's a rather small part of the game once you catch on to what works well and what doesn't (and scout out a couple of good areas).
Sander Scamper
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Re: Temp, Weather, and Tectonics
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2004, 08:17:48 pm »

I remember a planet (around a supergiant) that was like a solid writhing red mass of hotspots, i was furiously tapping the escape button before i even landed, and i lost half my crew =p

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Re: Temp, Weather, and Tectonics
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2004, 12:56:50 am »

Okay okay, but what if you aren't trying to mine in little fuel-inefficient hops back and forth?
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Re: Temp, Weather, and Tectonics
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2004, 01:55:53 am »

No more than 4 weather.

No more than 6 in Earthquakes.

No more than 400 in Hotspots.

If they interact with both of them being over three (or 300 temp) than lower the point of each one by one. (heat - by 100)

If all three stats are above 3 (or 300 temp) than lower by 2 points and/or 2 degrees.

That is the system I use.......

Re: Temp, Weather, and Tectonics
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2004, 03:47:21 am »

No more than 4 weather.

No more than 6 in Earthquakes.

No more than 400 in Hotspots.

If they interact with both of them being over three (or 300 temp) than lower the point of each one by one. (heat - by 100)

If all three stats are above 3 (or 300 temp) than lower by 2 points and/or 2 degrees.

That is the system I use.......

Sounds good. I think I shall adopt this theory.

Each planet has a set of statistics. Before you try landing, the ones you should really pay attention to are Temperature, Weather, and Tectonics. It is these things that damage your lander. Do not land on a planet if...

* It has over 400 degrees (think of this as a "4" rating) in temperature.
* It has a weather rating higher than "4".
* It has a tectonics rating higher than "6".
* The sum of all three ratings is 9 or over.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2004, 04:34:47 am by Shiver » Logged
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Re: Temp, Weather, and Tectonics
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2004, 06:54:53 am »

6 in Earthquakes, is a tad too much in my experience. 5 is a, lets say, more safe bet. i rarely set down on planets with 6, unless im desperate for rare minerals.

4 for weather is right on. but again on some ocassions ill go as high as 6, to get at some good minerals.

life lost from earthquakes is minimal. im pretty good at dodge em.

life lost from lightning strikes is fair to medium. those i cant dodge.

fuel cost i rarely take into account, unless im low. other wise its get everything even if i go down for one small deposite of minerials.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2004, 06:55:31 am by DEFIANT » Logged

Re: Temp, Weather, and Tectonics
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2004, 07:07:53 am »

6 in Earthquakes, is a tad too much in my experience. 5 is a, lets say, more safe bet. i rarely set down on planets with 6, unless im desperate for rare minerals.

I'm not sure I agree. You said yourself Tectonics can get pretty bad before they actually land on you. Would anyone else like to vouch for 5?
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Re: Temp, Weather, and Tectonics
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2004, 08:17:24 am »

i was going for a safer number that might be easier for newbies to handle. some people may find that even 5 is way out of there league. i suggested 5, only because i feel im a seasoned player. but it seems falconMWC is even more skilled than i. i guess it all depends on what you most feel comfortable with. feel free to use what ever value you feel is right. after all, its your work, im just giving you suggestions on what i use, as you requested. Grin

Re: Temp, Weather, and Tectonics
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2004, 10:11:54 am »

I'll have to check another 6 tectonics world while I'm testing what the walkthrough actually does within the game.
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Re: Temp, Weather, and Tectonics
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2004, 04:47:53 pm »

I'd put in a warning about hotspots as a specific threat however, as whilst earthquakes and lightning also damage you - hotspots damage you at a far higher rate - and sometimes you get unlucky and land ON a hotspot and blow up before you can move. I never go on planets above 300 [at the start] unless I have a spare lander.

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Re: Temp, Weather, and Tectonics
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2004, 06:23:55 pm »

I actually never carry a spare lander - I am one of those cheap people who save and reload.

Just curious Shiver - are you going to recommend that in the walkthrough?
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Re: Temp, Weather, and Tectonics
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2004, 07:55:26 pm »

What - carrying a spare lander or saving regularly so you can reload?

Even so - I'd still advise against going on planets above 300 at the start of the game [assuming its a first play] because in order to negotiate the  hotspots you need to have had at least some practice with the lander.

Maybe you should include two sets of recommendations - one for those who are just starting out and one for those who are more practiced. Telling a n00b that they can go on planets where seismic activity rates at 6 seems a bit over the top to my mind - even if it is easily doable to those who are more experienced.

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Re: Temp, Weather, and Tectonics
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2004, 08:08:34 pm »

What - carrying a spare lander or saving regularly so you can reload?

Saving and reloading after you lose your lander. (or certain number of men)

Re: Temp, Weather, and Tectonics
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2004, 11:01:09 pm »

I actually never carry a spare lander - I am one of those cheap people who save and reload.

Just curious Shiver - are you going to recommend that in the walkthrough?

Naturally. Who the hell buys more than one lander? If you lose Fwiffo in a battle, do you just keep going? No! You load your ass back there and do the fight again.
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