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Topic: Hey Everyone! New Here, and need a little help... (Read 5215 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
I've never before played UQM or SCII and I'm having trouble in the very beginning of the game...once I find Earth, get threatened, I decided to run away to some random planetary system nearby. I get attacked by the weird drone things and then is so tough to move the ship around to fight them since they are so much faster. Are all fights like that? 
Also, its really tough to understand what I need to do. I mean, I know i need to get to Earth, but once i get yelled at, then what?
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Thanks guys...This games a little tricky to figure out, but it is still very very good for any game, and when I remember its from 1992 I realize how much better it must have been! :-)
So I am not supposed to be able to fight the encounter in deep space?
Posts: 580

Remember, you're on a mission to help Earth with fighting the Ur-Quan. When you find that the Earth is covered in a red shield, and that a drone approaches you which originates from the aliens you're on a mission to fight against, ofcourse you'll NOT run away and instead investigate the Earth and the Station orbiting around it.
From there, the game should pretty much give you hints about what to do..
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
I've never before played UQM or SCII and I'm having trouble in the very beginning of the game...once I find Earth, get threatened, I decided to run away to some random planetary system nearby.
A little more tenacity may help. Remember, you're limping into Sol with a barely functional starship and minimal fuel, and space is full of nasty stuff.
I get attacked by the weird drone things and then is so tough to move the ship around to fight them since they are so much faster. Are all fights like that?  I think you mean Probes, not Drones (the distinction will become clearer later on). Note that you have two ships at the start of the game; your flagship (the Vindicator or whatever you've named it) and an Earthling Cruiser. The flagship is utterly useless in combat at the start of the game; the Cruiser has homing missiles, short-large laser defences and is actually capable of some sort of manoeuvring.
In any case, it's not impossible to take the Probes out, but it would help to be better prepared. The fact that you are immediately attacked by ridiculous amounts of fast-moving and hard-to-destroy Probes at the start of the game should tell you something about your chosen plan of action.
Also, its really tough to understand what I need to do. I mean, I know i need to get to Earth, but once i get yelled at, then what?
Some exploration of Earth and its near vicinity, in order to determine what happened to Earth in the Ur-Quan war, is in order. After all, the drone said it was going away to get help, so you should have time to see if there's anyone around to help you before the Ur-Quan armada arrives on your doorstep and proceeds to enslave and/or annihilate you.
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Thanks a lot guys! I am now up to the Soq-Pot-Fot thingy! Just got enough resources to get the fuel to go there and back, so should go there now...and you're right...once u talk to the Hayes things get easier...but fights are still tough!!!
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
sorry for the double post ummmmm how do u free Earth from the shield?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 146
I don't think you're that far in the game yet. I can tell you, that happens in the very end of the game. Now, you should just explore the space and listen to and talk to races there.
HINT: you want to visit Alpha Centauri soon.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2008, 03:09:14 pm by Galactic »
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
So I got the Spathi to join me...yay Alpha Centauri has the weird trader people....buit i dont find anything they need... :/
Will the Ilwrath listen to me, or are they a lost cause??
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