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Author Topic: Good 'Soundstudio' Software for re-editing speech  (Read 6573 times)
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Good 'Soundstudio' Software for re-editing speech
« on: February 05, 2003, 02:44:05 am »

Okay, here it goes.

Ever since I started playing Star Control II back in the early 90s I felt this game suitable to be translated into my language (which is German, if anyone hasn't guessed yet by my nick-name).

I know that the "original" English version will always be the best, so don't even think about starting to put German down just for the language's sake or what ever reasons you might have...

I have in mind a lot of my friends and other users who might enjoy the game but whose speaking skills have so far prevented them from doing so.

I now look for an 'easy-to-use' PC sound-studio software (if possible a good  a n d  free one for Win98-II) with which I can add all those nice gimmicks and SFX that make the spoken text so distinguished for all participating races.

I also know that it would mean recording about 12hrs. of speech  a n d  re-synchronizing the subtitles with the sounds (hopefully that sync-tool will still work there?).

Translating the text shouldn't be too much of a problem - most technical phrases like 'lander' or 'RU' will just stay the same, also all the modules and elements...

Any thoughts?

Greetings from the German Nightmare - Up the Irons!
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Re: Good 'Soundstudio' Software for re-editing spe
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2003, 02:56:49 am »

I actually think porting the game language is quite a good idea. It could potentially increase the fan base quite a lot, and it would be fun to hear what German accents you figure out for the different races. (Whats the germant equailent to the Yehats Scottish accent anyway?).

Unfortunately I haven't spoken german since I was in school, and I know nothing about the different sound stdios, but I just wanted to wish you good luck : )

What's up doc?

Re: Good 'Soundstudio' Software for re-editing spe
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2003, 03:12:22 am »

I would sooner decline two drinks than one German verb.  Smiley

Whereas re-recording all of the audio into other languages is a worthy goal, a more immediately attainable goal would be to simply translate (or transliterate, as needed) all of the subtitles into other languages.  That would likely give the game a "Hollywood movie released overseas" feel, as well as providing a ready-made script for people with good voice acting chops who want to pitch in that way.

Just a thought.  Ignore as appropriate.

As far as recording software goes,  Audacity is free and quite adequate, but it might not have the number special effects you're after.  You might have to pay someone money to get exactly what you're looking for.

I, for one, applaud your efforts.  I was thinking about re-recording the Ur-Quan voice myself because I just didn't think the line readings "sounded right", and after listening to some of my test readings, ultimately decided against the idea.  Smiley  Good luck to you.
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Re: Good 'Soundstudio' Software for re-editing spe
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2003, 03:35:47 am »

I know so many people who don't play really good games 'cause they don't speak the language properly. Besides, the Germans have always been great pc-players, and almost all of my old buddies have played SC2.

It could really increase the fan community (and add some international flair to it as well)

As for the Scottish accent - I haven't even thought about those guys! Darn!!!

Well, Saxonian and Bavarian accents are outta the question, it's gotta be someone who used to live in tribes with a king or so.

Most importantly I will go ahead and print out them text files for me to translate (can't do that kinda paperwork on-screen... need a pen!)

Well, since most movies are dubbed when they are released in Germany (I loooove DVDs!!!) I might even tackle that subject, but one step atta time, first comes first.

Thank you for your advice - might go ahead and try Audacity (play around w/ it a little)

Greetings from the German Nightmare - Up the Irons!
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Re: Good 'Soundstudio' Software for re-editing spe
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2003, 04:27:01 am »

I just went ahead and translated Commander Hayes 'opening speech' into German - looks like that now:

"Achtung nicht identifiziertes Raumschiff!
Ich bin Sternenbasis Commander Hayes vom Sklaven-Planeten Erde.
Unsere Hyperwellen-Uebertragungen  - -  extrem schwach
Situation kritisch  - -  Energiezellen erschoepft,
Scanner und Tiefenradar sind nicht funktionsfaehig,
wir koennen Ihr Schiff nicht identifizieren.
Sind Sie das erwartete Hierarchie Versorgungsschiff?
Ich wiederhole, sind Sie das Versorgungsschiff?"

This is more fun than I thought it would be - but to translate/transliterate/subtitle the Earthling is  e a s y  compared to guys like my friends the Orz... oh boy, if I made mistakes there, they'd jest go 'head, *frumple* a li'l and then *dance*!

And it works, too!!!

Comments or some useful advice are very welcome!
« Last Edit: February 05, 2003, 04:28:43 am by German_Nightmare » Logged

Greetings from the German Nightmare - Up the Irons!
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Re: Good 'Soundstudio' Software for re-editing spe
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2003, 04:32:04 am »

Heh, i have to say that is hilarious! I haven't read German i nyears, but just imagining that we sound brings a happy smile to my face! Definetly something worth continuing on, even though some races will be tricky I'm sure. how about thme Pkunk and all their really weird phrases?

Almost starts me thinking about converting it into Finnish and Swedish as well...

What's up doc?

Re: Good 'Soundstudio' Software for re-editing spe
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2003, 04:53:26 am »

This is more fun than I thought it would be - but to translate/transliterate/subtitle the Earthling is  e a s y  compared to guys like my friends the Orz... oh boy, if I made mistakes there, they'd jest go 'head, *frumple* a li'l and then *dance*!

Just leave the "cannot translate" message from the computer and leave the English subtitles alone.  It'll make them seem even weirder for non-English speaking players.  Tongue
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Re: Good 'Soundstudio' Software for re-editing spe
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2003, 06:11:44 am »

So great reading "my" text onscreen in the best pc-game ever!!! Yeehaw!

You should go ahead and just translate the first thing Commander Hayes says - like

"Jag pratar inte Svenska - could we  P L E A S E  converse in English!?!"

Man, you could even make him talk backwards and shit! There's unlimited possibilities waiting here!

As for the Orz - that's a good idea, but to just go ahead and literally translate those *funny* words makes them sound as weird as in English - just making no sense whatsoever (or better, little sense)

Greetings from the German Nightmare - Up the Irons!

Re: Good 'Soundstudio' Software for re-editing spe
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2003, 07:42:19 am »

Or even better -- you could change the dialog completely!  For instance:

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Re: Good 'Soundstudio' Software for re-editing spe
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2003, 08:12:54 am »

What you say!

Oh God, please don't let me die today!  Tomorrow would be SO much better!
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Re: Good 'Soundstudio' Software for re-editing spe
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2003, 08:46:14 am »

Good work Wink

Thinking of changing the text...

To make the game even more interesting, one could make them drunk (or wanting all your booze), stoned (for the sake of galactic *peace*), really stupid, talk in mathmatic equations, let the Druuge recite all Ferengi Rules of Commerce, let the Kor-Ah recite your favorite Vader quotes before attacking you - phew, I better go to bed now and catch some sleep or I'll let Commander Hayes speak gibberish without me wanting it Wink
« Last Edit: February 05, 2003, 08:54:01 am by German_Nightmare » Logged

Greetings from the German Nightmare - Up the Irons!
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Re: Good 'Soundstudio' Software for re-editing spe
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2003, 02:20:01 pm »

You guys are seriously spooky  Smiley

I have a feeling that by the time you're through with this,  will have Supox that want to eat meat, Yehat who love flowers, Umgah that don't tell jokes, and Arilou saying things like "Now how does your neck feel? We're just curious, the control chip we implanted doesn't seem to work..."

It'll be hilarious to see then end results!

What's up doc?
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Re: Good 'Soundstudio' Software for re-editing spe
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2003, 05:07:06 pm »

Oh boy, hope we didn't scare you too much?  Cheesy

Seriously, my translation into German is supposed to catch the original feeling and thrill of the English version. That's why I tackle the "easy" parts first.

It'll take some time though, 'cause I've got to do some work for university as well - which is sooo much more fun than working on my favorite game  :-/ NOT!

Hopefully I'll find time soon enough to accomplish it within a reasonable time-span...

Any new hints concerning a SFX-loaded PC-studio?


Greetings from the German Nightmare - Up the Irons!
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Re: Good 'Soundstudio' Software for re-editing spe
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2003, 06:51:25 pm »

Oh, and Lukipela:

you forgot the aggresive, kamikaze Spathi, the Gothic Ilwrath, and the athiest Utwig!

"Ultron?  You're deluded!"

Oh God, please don't let me die today!  Tomorrow would be SO much better!
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Re: Good 'Soundstudio' Software for re-editing spe
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2003, 10:57:32 pm »

Okay, the first file is completely translated - phew!

Now the whole opening sequence is in German (except for the encounter with the Ilwrath) up to the 2 week break when the Precursor-tech is integrated into the starbase...

That Starbas-file I'm gonna tackle next (tomorrow) since I still have to read a whole book for class tomorrow, *frumple*!  Cry

Greetings from the German Nightmare - Up the Irons!
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