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Author Topic: Precursor Battleship wisdom by Valaggar Redux  (Read 20272 times)
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Precursor Battleship wisdom by Valaggar Redux
« on: February 05, 2003, 10:07:42 pm »

ive been reading all of this forum and you all can argue and agree and plain pick apart this great game but there are some things that you all fail to see.

     if you want to solve some or at least try to figure out "what do they mean when?" "whats the deal with?" or "how bout them precursors huh?" remember that this game and its "full story"--meaning sc1, sc2 and a never made (sc3), were all written at least 10 years ago. whats my point is that theres been alot of sci fi with alot of things plots and storys that i think most of us seen. but when i look at what u guys write, its like your drawing conclusions using ideas and storys and plots that are all (new). i bet that if  the true sc3 was made and not the other sc3 that the story might of gone along the lines of maybe something thats already been done.
     for instance: may be the precursors were at war with another equally powerful race(babylon 5's shadowes vs vorlon) after all they did have a powerful battle ship and more than likley a crapload of, armed to the teeth, work horse ships. your ideas (dont get me wrong) are not of that *time* or that *place*. 10 years, after all is alot sh*t(ideas) down the tv, movie , book, chicken scratch, drain. the big fire work of an ending you all been looking for might just go fizzel then go out(its all been done im sure), sad yes but its in the hands now of people of this *time* and *place* so we just might get some thing new. just my take on it, after all its only a game and a good one at that.~DEFIANT

« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 01:13:19 am by DEFIANT » Logged
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Re: you guys are missing the point
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2003, 12:51:59 am »

eh - while you have a point, your point doesn't really mean that we're missing ours.
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Re: you guys are missing the point
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2003, 01:29:43 am »

I don't see what the crime is.  People have questions about the game, and we seek to answer them... I think what this board does is give people the chance to truly explore the Star Control games, the things that made the series to memorable to all of us, and then expand on the subject where the games never took us...

I don't think it's wrong to speculate, or to enjoy the Star Control universe by exploring what was, is, or could have been... to speculate and to be curious innately makes us human and we seek to answer questions, even if we should not.  All of us at one time have thought what would have happened in a true sequel to SC2, etc...  you yourself have.  And here we are, trying to explain the answers to the questions this type of game would've asked and you tell us we're missing the point?  I think the point is clear and that answering the questions we all want to ask is no great crime, it's a triumphant way of enjoying and further exploring the universe of Star Control we all love so much.  The time is now, as we all are playing UQM and reliving memories from the old days, even if the game itself is 10 years old...

In my case, I'm reliving the memories of my youth and asking the questions I never chose to answer when I was just a wee lad...  I think that now, 10 years later and as the community of Star Control fabs is alive and well again with the release of UQM, now is the best time to ask such questions...  the ones we all (except for yourself) are curious and would love to know the answers to.  If you have no imagination or will to seek explanations, then maybe the Star Control II experience was not a good one for you and maybe you should enjoy the series for its innovation instead.

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Re: you guys are missing the point
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2003, 01:49:04 am »

Well, I must agree that the idea about the Precursors fighting some other race is baseless, (for example the Slylandro and the Melnorme talk about them but never mention anything about any violent action by the Precursors)

But I think aside from that eveything else is well speculated.

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Re: you guys are missing the point
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2003, 01:52:11 am »

Roughly in the words of the spathi high council, "Peaceful voyages of exploration do not involve weaponry heavy enough to punch a hole in a small moon"

But whether the Precursors were or were not fighting someone else is aside from the point.

The point I agreed with was that the original plot may be very similar to a plot that has since been used elsewhere - and that since we trust the creators not to rip something off, we have been perhaps unconsciously avoiding even plots that have been published AFTER the game was.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2003, 01:53:44 am by Death_999 » Logged
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Re: you guys are missing the point
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2003, 02:47:08 am »


This is a forum for discussion.  The fact is, there probably won't ever be an official SC3.  We may never know what it would have been.  I'm willing to wager even FF and PRIII don't quite know what the real SC3 would have been.  But SC2 put forth a compelling world, and it's one that's fun to wonder about.

So that's what this is for.  "I wonder..."
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Re: you guys are missing the point
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2003, 10:46:46 am »

A precurser war isn't completly baseless there is the Sa-Matra afterall. At the very least we know they built the battle platform which leads any logical critter to believe there was atleast the potential to use it.
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Re: you guys are missing the point
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2003, 07:18:19 pm »

Ok, let's think of it this way; Once there were dinosaures, huge ones, and today there're small critters such as ourselves.

What I'm trying to say is, (and Commander Hayes says the a Precursor must've been as big as an elephant) the Sa-Matra could've been a "moderate" battle ship, same as our Precursor ship is already huge compared to any other vessel (well, it can carry what, 24 vessels?)

The Precursors might just have had a different measure on the universe. A dinosaur would see everything "normal" and won't think it's huge.

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Who do you take us for, Captain... Spathi!?"
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Re: you guys are missing the point
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2003, 08:13:31 pm »

the Sa-Matra could've been a "moderate" battle ship

I think that "battle" is the operative word.
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Re: you guys are missing the point
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2003, 09:02:24 pm »

if the sa matra was a (moderate battle ship) than id hate to see what they made for "im gonna knock your silly planet into space dust" battle ship. something that powerful no matter if its a small medium or large battle ship doesnt nagate the fact that it was ment to blow stuff up even in defence. but heres a loop thats been bugging me. if u look closley to your workship and some what compare the style of design to the sa matra, to me they were built by a different race. the design is all different. i know no mention of that appears in the game but what if.... =sigh= ~DEFIANT
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Re: you guys are missing the point
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2003, 09:36:42 pm »

Yeah, the design is totally whacked. On the other hand, Humans have designed such diverse things as:
suspension bridges
the Pentagon
the Arecibo Space Telescope
The Taj Mahal
trimarans (rather like the main ship, eh?)
the b'at'leth (yes, in real life, HUMANS designed the B'at'leth, not klingons...)
box kites
All of the WTC-replacement schemes, some of which are pretty whacked.

so, you don't need a species change to make weird shapes.
Now, that shade of purple DOES...Wink

All this doesn't mean that I think the precursors were necessarily one species. It may be that they integrated various alien types into a galactic society, or several such, in which species was insignificant - and we don't have the archaeological information to determine this. But it seems likely that they were one species. Of course, one species doesn't mean one political entity. These warships could have been made to aim at each other, or the eternal1s, or the ULTIMATE EVIL, or a particularly aggressive looking kumquat for all I know.
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Re: you guys are missing the point
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2003, 09:53:36 pm »

I've noticed that a theme in Star Control--and in any sort of space opera--is that there is much more variation from human to human than there is from alien to alien.  There are a few humans who are cowardly, but ALL Spathi are.  Some humans are honorable to the point of suicide, but ALL Shofixti are.  Some humans are wise and benevolent, but ALL Chenjesu are.  And some of them are real jerks, just like ALL the Thraddash.  This happens all the time, because of course it's difficult for a writer to conceive of a totally foreign society, and it's difficult for a player to understand relationships on a species to species basis unless each species is relatively united in its outlook.  Most stories explain it away by stating that what makes humans special is how varied they are.

That having been said, it's interesting to think that the Precursor's might be just as varied as we.  After all, the Precursor vessel AND the Sa-Matra were both designed by humans.
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Re: you guys are missing the point
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2003, 10:31:58 pm »

After all, the Precursor vessel AND the Sa-Matra were both designed by humans.

But only two Specific Humans (TFB) Smiley
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Re: you guys are missing the point
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2003, 11:34:26 pm »

Well, it's one thing to draw a weird spaceship and decide that it's the best drawing for what you need it - it's another to be set the task of building a spaceship and come to the conclusion that this bizarre design is the best one. For example, it's not, as the radical feminists would like to claim, intellectual/creative laziness combined with a modicum of moral turpitude which causes almost all rockets to be long and thin - it's optimization according to design principles derived from physical law.

SO, it looks like the design principles used for the Sa-Matra were rather different than those used for your flagship. Probably because your flagship has a different intended purpose... and possibly because the designers of the two vessels thought very differently from each other.
Still same species, perhaps - but a very different mode of thought.

Re: you guys are missing the point
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2003, 12:06:35 am »

Form follows function -- battleships and tugboats look very much different from each other on Earth, why would we expect an alien race to make all of their ships look the same?
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