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Topic: menu problems (Read 2279 times)
Sorry if this has already been talked about... but I think the menu system (in the lower right corner) is complete crap....(is it a port from the 3D0 version?? The PC version was fine...) I am a Web Developer and Interface usability is something I study frequently, and this menu is just plain hard to use... I loved the original PC game when it came out years ago, and the menu system was much easier to use... you could see all of the present options available to you and were able to move the "highlight" bar immediately to where you want to go next. The way it is set up now forces, yes forces, people to memorize which option is going to come up next thus creating a usability flaw. If the other current options were available on screen people wouldnt have to rely on memory to get to where they want to go. ie. "Okay, I'm on Devices, I need to press up three times to get to this next opion... Okay I entered that option, now I need to press up 4 times to get to this option....wait, only 3 times....okay I'm done now, how to I get back to the game?" Maybe I am missing something here, and the original menu is hidden in there somewhere but after playing for a few minutes, I REALLY missed that old menu and I am seriously disappointed that the PC version didnt make the cut.... to top that all off, the graphics of the menu options look just plain bad.... sorry....
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 150

And incidentally this is a direct port of the 3do version. It was generally agreed upon that the PC version was better, but the PC source code is lost even to the programmers. The dev team was just trying to get a straight port running before they started messing with stuff.
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