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Author Topic: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the story  (Read 43488 times)
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2003, 08:01:46 pm »

How about the 'old map' idea for all the Alliance races? It might help new captains get off to a start trying to get the old Alliance races back. Naturally it wouldn't be completely accurate, such as in the case of the Syreen and the Arilou, but it would show them Procyon as Chenjesu, perhaps a question mark behind them before they explore there to discern between old and new spheres.

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Death 999
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2003, 08:55:17 pm »

Yeah, it would also give a hint as to the Thraddash and Druuge. But how to accomplish this?

As far as Syreen planet locations, we can have them transmit it separately (and use the same computer voice to handle the translation computer message at the beginning of the Orz dialogue). That way we don't need to replace all of Talana.
Still, it will be a bit of a trick to figure out how to get the computer transmission into the flow of conversation.

As for the Mycon, it seems unlikely that they would transmit in that fashion, so getting the original seems like the best idea... what will be necessary to make that happen?
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2003, 12:16:38 am »

possible solution to the mycon thing: let the communications system "crash" when they are about to say the info, then there appears a small notification window like when something happened on a planet saying something like this: "Captain, the communication system failed to retrieve the info of their home planet coordinates, however, the mycon transmitted a message after the crash, saying "####:####", the coordinates of their home planet
--End of transmission--"
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2003, 02:23:02 am »

Personally, the thing that always bothered me was when ZEX's Beauty got loose in ZEX's ship, and was supposedly right behind him.  You should be able to see it!  I want a sprite image of the VUX Beast to move onscreen right before ZEX dies.  


Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2003, 02:25:29 am »

Don't the lights go out then?
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2003, 02:26:56 am »

Personally, the thing that always bothered me was when ZEX's Beauty got loose in ZEX's ship, and was supposedly right behind him.  You should be able to see it!  I want a sprite image of the VUX Beast to move onscreen right before ZEX dies.  

Wow, I can see it - beast Z walking on the bridge, then the sprite being cut in half and rotating to represent opening its mouth, a la Monty Python or South Park... Oh, and don't anti-alias the image after you scale it up 16x.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2003, 02:31:27 am by Death_999 » Logged

Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2003, 07:36:06 am »

Plugging 8-bit theater to the SC2 boards, eh?
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2003, 07:44:36 am »

... I mentioned it before, didn't I? Funny, since I'm mainly a sluggy freelance fan. But it's an old-skool game comic, and a good one, so I guess it comes up a bit more often (that's why it came up this time, after all).
Zebranky food
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2003, 05:54:00 pm »

Well, being new to the UQM forums and such I'll not give you a very extended post, but here goes:

About the Androsynths: Yes, the orz indeed said that there where no more Androsynth. But also remember that when the orz can't *smell* you, they don't know if you are here or not. So if an Androsynth had left off for some kind of long distance mission, then the orz couldn't *smell* him, and they wouldn't know he's there. Ofcourse, the 'synths aren't needed to finish the game, but it might be somekind of "bonus quest"

about the brown Ur-quan: again they could be on somekind of long-range mission. Not knowing what happened to their original species. and it would make a cool bonus quest, but it would show a few plot holes.

the idea about the original alliance spheres is cool. You could mark 'm grey to show that you know that they are old. The crashed ships are also a good idea. And how about seeing the remnants of Zex' ship on the surface? the beast  running around on the surface etc.

so far my ideas. Keep up the good work Grin
« Last Edit: May 02, 2003, 05:54:54 pm by Rider » Logged

if I wanted a signature, I would have filled in the signature area
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #24 on: May 02, 2003, 07:45:17 pm »

In an interview with one of the designers, it came out that there really are no Androsynth. Only Orz.
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #25 on: May 02, 2003, 08:56:30 pm »

Going slightly off tangent here, I'd like to say that I'm very thankful to D_999 for introducing me to 8-Bit theatre. An amzing comic.

Regarding the subject at hand, I agree with Nic. Lets just add the things that make sense witout changing the story line. I would love to meet a Synth as much as the next Guardian, but that's for the next game I think...

The "Old Map" could just be something you can view at the Starbase, if you ask the Commander. Or maybe it could be an object, activate to see what it looks like.

Also, regarding to spheres of influence, there should be something in the Arilou sphere as well, to explain it's presence. What that could be without changing the story I dunno. Mining operation maybe?

What's up doc?

Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2003, 09:15:01 pm »

The "Old Map" could just be something you can view at the Starbase, if you ask the Commander. Or maybe it could be an object, activate to see what it looks like.

That, sir, is a fantastic idea.  Simple and straightforward in implementation and presentation, all it would take is a single PNG file and a few lines of code at the Starbase.  Unless you wanted to be able to navigate using the old map, of course.  Smiley

Also, regarding to spheres of influence, there should be something in the Arilou sphere as well, to explain it's presence. What that could be without changing the story I dunno. Mining operation maybe?

Go ask them what they're doing there in-game.  They'll gladly tell you that they're chasing *Nnngn* in one of their "easy places".  That's a good enough explanation for me.  Wink

Another Problem: The Zoq-Fot-Pik tell you that they have been basically unseen by both the Ur-Quan and the Kohr-Ah, yet sometimes upon entering Alpha Tucanae, the place is crawling with Dreadnoughts/Marauders.
Proposed Solution: Make it such that the ZFP home star is free of fleets at all times (save the "worse than Zebranky!" attack), so that their dialog matches game events.
Corollary: The ZFP claim to be exploring the quadrant, so random encounters with their scout ships in solar systems would be a nice touch.  Perhaps you could get those "what's going on?" reports from them without having to go to the homeworld.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2003, 10:28:30 pm by Nic. » Logged

Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #27 on: May 02, 2003, 10:29:07 pm »

I think the thing with the Zot-Foq-Pik is not that they were unnoticed (it's hard to miss an entire spacefaring race) but more that they were so insignificant that neither side could be bothered to attack them.  Waste of resources.  

As far as random encounters in QuasiSpace go, it would have to be extremely rare.  Like 1:100.  It might be amusing that, if you DO stumble upon another ship, they're lost and confused.  ("*WHIMPER*  We're lost!  *SNORT*  TELL US WHERE WE ARE!") and you've got the choice of either doing them the favor, sending them to "meet" the Arilou (snicker), or just blasting them.  There's some real comedic potential there, such as an Ur-Quan stumbling into QuasiSpace and having to actually ask for help.

I agree, the Orz and Arilou should be at least irritated if you bring "the enemy" to their homeworld.  Perhaps nothing as drastic as destroying them, but at least yelling at you about it. (or refusing to talk to you until you get rid of their ships?)  It might be a bit irritating for the player, but it would underscore the importance of diplomacy in the universe.

A Chmmr sphere of influence would be great.  Like if it's staggeringly big, and immediately takes up the entire area out to, say, Earth. (and by that point, there'd be no other viable races in the area, so their rapid expansion would be believable - they just took over deserted Ilwrath and Pkunk space)

The Melnorme "Doomsday Countdown" should be put back in somehow.  It's good for first-time players to have a rough idea what the game's time limit is.

I've always questioned the fact that you can convince the Syreen of the Mycon attack simply by bringing them the shards from Syria.  I'm not sure they'd fall for it, and it IS a really nasty trick to play.

Completely random addition:  you should be able to make a non-aggression treaty with the Kaer-Za.  The Ur-Quan are, above all, devistatingly pragmatic.  At the point your ship is capable of taking out Kohr-Ah without getting touched, and have killed a large enough number of both Ur-Quan, it would be logical that they would try to forge a pact with you.  I'm thinking about those very resigned conversations with Ur-Quan commanders late in the game, where they still attack you even knowing that they're losing the war, and they will almost certainly be destroyed by you.  Seems far more logical that, out of desperation, they'd offer some sort of treaty. (it makes sense plot-wise (in fact would enhance the sense of impending doom), and at that point in the game, it wouldn't really affect gameplay at all since you CAN wipe out Dreadnaughts instantly)

The Supox should have more to do.  Don't know what, but their presence in the game seems almost completely unnecessary.
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2003, 11:17:06 pm »

Would one want to navigate by the old map though? I mean, lets face it, the stars are all in the same places. The only thing that wil differ between the new and old map is the position of the spheres, and the existence of a few extra. Might as well use the new one to find out what things are like nowadays... Otherwise there's gonna have to be some sort of possibility to choose version every time you go to the starmap....

As for the Nggn.. Well, you are right of course, I just never considered that their main reason, it sounds so insubsantial... But, point taken.

If the Orz and Arilou are annoyed by the presence of eachother, and comment upon it, that once more means we have to add more speech.... Which is a bummer.

As for the non-aggression pact, I doubt it would even occur to them. They've been doing things the way they do for 20k years. A few random encounters with a human in a precursor service vessel probably wont change this.

And I do believe that the ZFP were indeed unnoticed, as they state in the game. After all, when the Kohr-Ah find them, they do try to remedy the situation immediately.

What's up doc?
Death 999
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2003, 11:33:11 pm »

As far as random encounters in QuasiSpace go, it would have to be extremely rare.  Like 1:100.  It might be amusing that, if you DO stumble upon another ship, they're lost and confused.  ("*WHIMPER*  We're lost!  *SNORT*  TELL US WHERE WE ARE!") and you've got the choice of either doing them the favor, sending them to "meet" the Arilou (snicker), or just blasting them.  There's some real comedic potential there, such as an Ur-Quan stumbling into QuasiSpace and having to actually ask for help.

It shouldn't be too hard to get back out.. .just go to one of the holes.

The Melnorme "Doomsday Countdown" should be put back in somehow.  It's good for first-time players to have a rough idea what the game's time limit is.


I've always questioned the fact that you can convince the Syreen of the Mycon attack simply by bringing them the shards from Syria.  I'm not sure they'd fall for it, and it IS a really nasty trick to play.

Syria is under Earth's slave shield.

Completely random addition:  you should be able to make a non-aggression treaty with the Kaer-Za.  The Ur-Quan are, above all, devistatingly pragmatic.  At the point your ship is capable of taking out Kohr-Ah without getting touched, and have killed a large enough number of both Ur-Quan, it would be logical that they would try to forge a pact with you.  I'm thinking about those very resigned conversations with Ur-Quan commanders late in the game, where they still attack you even knowing that they're losing the war, and they will almost certainly be destroyed by you.  Seems far more logical that, out of desperation, they'd offer some sort of treaty.

No. No no no no no. VERY un-Ur-Quan.
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